Thursday, January 28, 2010

Best Russian Nightclubs Brooklyn NY

You've heard about them...those crazy Russian nightclubs in Brooklyn NY.
And you've always wanted to go, lured by the promise of tasty Russian dishes, crazy Vegas-style shows, and of course, copious amounts of vodka.
amNY had me investigate the best Russian restaurants in Brooklyn, calling upon the advice of our stylish guide, Elle Glazman, owner of Jaime Day Spa (Manhattan), and a regular on the Russian nightlife circuit.
You can find more about Jaime Day Spa here.
Elle knows her way around the best Russian nightclubs and restaurants in "Little Odessa," so check out the story. We promise you won't be disappointed...and it beats a plane ride to Moscow.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Things to Do in Portland, OR

Wondering what there is to do in Portland, OR? Portland offers visitors so many things...from excellent seafood to killer mountain sports, and everything in between, including seedy tours of Portland's mysterious underground--home to white slavery, the narcotics trade, and other salacious activities.
You can read more about our insider's guide to Portland at, or by clicking on the image.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Best Bars of Prospect Heights

Prospect Heights may not have tons of strollers yet, but like Park Slope, it attracts a youngish crowd of hipersterish imbibers looking to party--on the cheap.
amNY had me take a look at the best bars of Prospect Heights. Click on the image to read!